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It took me many, too many, years to pluck up the courage to take this step.

I have always convinced myself I must have a job to earn money but with that comes lack of time to do what you really want to do.

Let me tell you about me and my creativity or rather my determination to let it be in my life. I could call it many things such as my creative outlet, my craft, my hobby but I think …

My Happy Place

… sums it up perfectly. It is something I do for me that I feel truly passionate about – it’s not just about the doing but the positive effect it has on my mind too!

How does the Mark Twain phrase go?

“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

I have found if I manage my time super effectively I can get everything done and still fulfil the ‘me’ time. Might sound like a bit of a mid-life crisis but I call living my ‘best’ life. Look out for all the goodies I will be creating.

Can you give me any tips or advice?

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